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Update: Nearly a year after PETA released shocking video footage of Winston Churchill High School students "jumping rope" with intestines pulled from dissected cats, the North East Independent School District has quietly ended cat dissection in all its schools. This is huge! But the district has to do more—take action below to push for an end to all classroom animal dissection immediately.
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Dissection teaches students that animals are just classroom tools to be used and discarded—and disturbing video footage recorded at Winston Churchill High School in San Antonio proves it.
Every year, over 10 million animals are killed for classroom dissection—and they don't die from natural causes. They're snatched from the wild, taken from animal shelters, or killed in slaughterhouses.

Churchill officials have an obligation to make sure that what we saw in the shocking "jump rope" video never happens again: They need to end all animal dissection immediately. Allowing dissection to continue endorses callousness, disrespect, and cruelty toward animals.
Dissection is bad science: Not one single medical school in the U.S. requires it, and studies show that students are less interested in science after being forced to dissect—and it's a super-archaic, cruel way to teach biology and anatomy.
The North East Independent School District (NEISD) has recently ended cat dissection—which is a great first step! But no animal should ever be cut apart and used for dissection. Please write to Shannon Grona, president of the NEISD Board of Trustees; Thomas Campsey, assistant director of science; and Brian Gottardy, superintendent of schools. Urge them to end all animal dissection in the NEISD now.