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An eight-month PETA undercover investigation at the University of Utah documented the daily suffering of dogs, cats, monkeys, rats, mice, rabbits, and other animals in the school's laboratories.
Dogs and cats were used in cruel, invasive experiments. In one study, a litter of kittens died after a chemical that causes fluid to build up was injected into their brains.
In other experiments, mice whose back legs were paralyzed, rats who suffered epileptic seizures, and mice with huge, ulcerated tumors covering their bodies were left to suffer without adequate veterinary care. Many animals died and were left for days before anyone noticed.
After breaking the news of our shocking investigation, we received confirmation from the University of Utah that Robert—the cat pictured above—would be removed from the laboratory and adopted into a new home. Immediately after, two more important developments in this case occurred: Utah legislators amended state law so that government-run animal shelters will no longer be forced to sell dogs and cats to laboratories upon request for use in cruel and deadly experiments, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) cited the University of Utah for nine violations of federal animal protection laws. After a vigorous PETA campaign, the school halted its practice of experimenting on dogs and cats from animal shelters in 2011, which prompted the end of many cruel experiments and drastically reduced the number of cats and dogs imprisoned in the school's laboratories. After finding more problems following PETA's investigation, the USDA also issued an Official Warning to the University of Utah stating, "Any further violation of these regulations may result in the assessment of a civil penalty or criminal prosecution."
While this is great news for animals who live in animal shelters like Robert did, the University of Utah continues to perform cruel experiments on animals inside its laboratories.
Please be a voice for the animals who are suffering in labs at the University of Utah. Urge the university to release to the public complete records on all taxpayer-funded animal experiments at the University of Utah.
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