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A series of inspections, authorized by the Animal Welfare Board of India and conducted by experts from prominent veterinary colleges and PETA India, have revealed widespread suffering and neglect of thousands of horses, donkeys, and mules who are used as living factories to produce antitoxins. The inspectors observed many animals suffering from anemia, bleeding and infected wounds, and other serious health problems.
Inspectors documented numerous apparent violations of laws and guidelines. Most of the facilities weren't even registered with the Indian Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) to conduct these procedures on animals. Pregnant mares and foals were found at some facilities that weren't officially registered as breeders.
These miserable horses suffered from diseased hooves, malnourishment, infections, parasites, swollen limbs, and abnormal gaits, and some were even blind.
The Indian Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, requires people who are responsible for animals to take all reasonable measures to ensure their well-being and to prevent unnecessary pain or suffering. But inspectors found that the animals in these facilities suffered from numerous agonizing health problems and were fearful and anxious. When approached by humans, many of them struggled to get away. It appeared that even simple daily grooming needs—such as dental care and hoof trimming—were being ignored.
These are sentient beings who, like humans, cherish their lives and want to live free from torment.
The facilities often used painfully large needles—larger than the size recommended by CPCSEA guidelines—in order to collect the horses' blood more quickly.

Instead of having even their most basic needs met, horses at these facilities were typically kept in crowded, barren enclosures and often tied with ropes that severely limited their movement. Many were forced to stand and lie in their own urine and feces, and some suffered from "capped elbow," a painful inflammation and swelling of the joint caused by lying on hard floors.
You can help prevent horses, mules, and donkeys from being abused by urging the Indian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and the CPCSEA to deny or cancel the facilities' animal-experimentation registration renewals and immediately revoke their licenses to manufacture biological products. Please also sign our petition urging the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology and the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to encourage companies to use non-animal methods of antitoxin and antivenin production.