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An insider from pharmaceutical giant Bristol-Myers Squibb approached PETA with disturbing allegations about animals who suffered painful and gruesome deaths through negligence.
The whistleblower reported that a monkey and a rat had been scalded to death when the cages in which they were each housed were carelessly put into the company's mechanical high-temperature, high-pressure cage washer—with the animals still inside. In a separate incident, the whistleblower reports that several monkeys were tethered to their cage doors to be weighed and then left unattended. When workers returned to the room, they found that one of the monkeys had strangled to death.
After PETA filed complaints with federal authorities regarding these egregious incidents, the U.S. Department of Agriculture cited the company for violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and took the additional rare step of fining the facility.
In addition to these allegations of blatant neglect, from 2013 to 2015 Bristol-Myers Squibb tormented nearly 9,000 animals in its laboratories, including more than 1,700 dogs and 4,380 primates who were imprisoned in cages, intentionally poisoned to death, and subjected to other painful and stressful procedures.
Astonishingly, these numbers don't even include the thousands of mice, rats, and other animals who aren't covered under the Animal Welfare Act, and they don't include animals used in experiments contracted out by the company to other laboratories, such as the notorious Covance.

Bristol-Myers Squibb has long been on PETA's radar, and we have submitted shareholder resolutions to urge the company to be more transparent and to minimize its use of animals by implementing modern, non-animal testing methods—recommended by the National Academy of Sciences.
Please be a voice for the animals suffering in Bristol-Myers Squibb laboratories. Take a minute of your time now to urge the company to implement the recommendations outlined by PETA in its shareholder resolution immediately.