Tell Mamba That Gelatin Makes You Sour

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Mamba, once a popular vegan candy, changed its recipe to include gelatin, which is obtained by boiling the bones, skin, and connective tissue of cows or pigs. According to the company, its traditional Stick Packs will only have the vegan recipe until early 2020, and Mamba Fruit and Sour Twists are already being made with the new gelatin formula.

photo of leftover body parts from slaughterhouse that produces gelatin.
© Solid Wastes from Slaughterhouse | Adaw Project | CC-BY-SA-4.0
Mamba has switched to using gelatin in its candies. Gelatin is made from bones, skin, and connective tissue—like that seen here, which was discarded by a slaughterhouse.

By adding gelatin to its products, Mamba is alienating existing vegan customers as well as potential new ones. The company should turn to vegan ingredients such as agar, Geltor, or pectin to achieve its desired candy consistency.

Please sign our petition telling August Storck, Mamba's parent company, that you're sweet on vegan candies and ask it to stick to its original gelatin-free recipe.

Then leave a polite comment on Mamba's Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages, asking it to remove gelatin from its candy!


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