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When you buy an animal from a pet store or a breeder, you're responsible for a new member of the family! You're also responsible for the death of an animal in a shelter who needed a home. You can help prevent this—pledge not to buy animals! Homelessness is not just a human problem. Every year, U.S. animal shelters must euthanize nearly 4 million dogs and cats because of simple math: too many animals, not enough worthy adoptive homes. If you want to bring an animal into your life, always adopt from an animal shelter. If you've already signed the pledge, you can still help animals by becoming a pledge recruiter. Ask your friends and family to sign the pledge not to buy animals.
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UN LAB Middleware Label: Petition Title Begins
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UN LAB Middleware Label: Petition Body Begins
I want to help put an end to animal homelessness. By signing my name, I pledge not to buy companion animals from breeders or pet stores. If I choose to bring an animal into my life, I will adopt from an animal shelter.
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