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Despite the passage of the FDA Modernization Act 2.0, which gives the U.S. Food and Drug Administration the legal authority to consider non-animal test methods, the FDA still routinely requires companies that sell drugs and other pharmaceutical products to first test their products on animals in cruel and painful experiments. Thousands of mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, and monkeys are killed in preclinical poisoning tests. In these tests, animals are forced to swallow or inhale massive doses of a test substance—which can cause severe abdominal pain, paralysis, convulsions, seizures, and bleeding from the nose, mouth and genitals—before they are killed by experimenters.

Shockingly, the National Institutes of Health acknowledges that 95 out of every 100 drugs that successfully pass these crude animal tests fail or cause harm during human clinical trials. In spite of this intolerable failure rate, the FDA continues to require that companies carry out painful and deadly tests on animals.
Reliable non-animal testing methods are available, and many more are being developed. Using non-animal tests will produce safer and more effective drugs and reduce the cost of bringing drugs to market.
Please ask the FDA to accept superior non-animal methods in place of archaic and unreliable animal tests.
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