Urge Ace Hardware, BMR, Starcrest, and Others to Stop Selling Glue Traps!

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Ace Hardware, BMR, and Starcrest continue to sell vile and dangerous glue traps—boards that are coated with a sticky adhesive—despite having heard from PETA that they cause small animals caught in the glue to suffer, sometimes for days, before dying from dehydration, asphyxiation, or blood loss. Rodents may be small, but they feel pain, fear, and stress, just as the cats and dogs who share our homes do. Mice and rats are so smart that they can recognize their names and respond when called. They need your help.

photo of mouse stuck on glue trap

Glue traps cause animals prolonged suffering. Victims mired in the glue go to great lengths to escape, such as tearing off their fur or feathers or even attempting to chew off their own limbs. Others’ faces get stuck in the glue, and it can take hours for them to suffocate. The traps’ instructions advise consumers to throw used traps into the garbage, even if they contain living animals, leaving them to suffer in agony until they eventually die under piles of trash.

photo of mice on glue trap

These indiscriminate boards, which often immobilize and kill other small “nontarget” animals—such as squirrels, songbirds, and hamsters—are also dangerous to human health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention specifically advises against using glue traps because they can increase the risk of being exposed to diseases.

Dozens of retailers—including CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, and Dollar Tree—made the compassionate decision years ago to ban the sale of glue traps.

Please send polite emails to Michael Donnelly, President at Starcrest, at [email protected]. Then use the form below to help us urge Ace Hardware and BMR to join them in banning these horribly vile torture devices.

Groupe BMR
Ace Hardware

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