Culver’s, the People Want Vegan Ice Cream and Burgers


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Culver’s is a casual burger and ice cream chain from the Midwest, but it doesn’t have any dairy-free ice cream or vegan burgers on its menu. Its website says it “genuinely care[s]” and that “every guest who chooses Culver’s leaves happy,” but how can that be true if every person who wants a vegan option is turned away empty-handed?

Although the Culver’s website says, “We treat others the way we’d want to be treated,” the chain profits from the rape, mutilation, abuse, confinement, harassment, and death of animals. Cows killed for their flesh are strung upside down in slaughterhouses, where workers hang them by one leg and plunge knives into their throats. We highly doubt this is how Culver’s executives and employees would want to be treated.

Birds killed to make chicken sandwiches like the ones served at Culver’s are hung upside down by the legs, electroshocked, cut across the throat, and plunged into tanks of scalding-hot water in order to loosen their feathers. An estimated 7 million birds per year are still conscious when they enter these tanks.

Culver’s prides itself on “doing the right thing” and “practicing kindness,” so we’re calling on the chain to put its money where its mouth is and actually do the right thing—by offering its customers delicious vegan custard, vegan ice cream, and a vegan burger, too.

Tell Culver’s to offer vegan ice cream and burgers so that caring people are able to make kind choices when dining there.

Enrique ‘Rick’

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