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Gentle elephants are jabbed with sharp bullhooks. Orcas are forced to perform in tiny tanks and denied all that is natural and important to them. Primates are condemned to horrid roadside zoos without adequate veterinary care. PETA is working hard to protect animals from the beatings, other abuse, and neglect common in the entertainment industry, and we need your support.
Please make your generous gift right now and help the many elephants, orcas, primates, horses, and other animals who are waiting for caring people to change their lives forever.
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Dogs deserve better than to be condemned to a lifetime of isolation, suffering, and death—an inherent part of the Iditarod. PETA is working hard to protect dogs, elephants, orcas, and other animals from the loneliness, abuse, and neglect that are common when animals are exploited for cruel entertainment, and we need your support.
Please make your generous gift right now and help the many elephants, orcas, primates, horses, and other animals who are waiting for caring people to change their lives forever.
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Tigers are condemned to horrid roadside zoos without adequate veterinary care. Gentle elephants are jabbed with sharp bullhooks. Orcas are forced to perform in tiny tanks and denied all that is natural and important to them. PETA is working hard to protect animals from the beatings, abuse, and neglect common in the entertainment industry, and we need your support.
Please make your generous gift right now and help the many tigers, elephants, orcas, horses, and other animals who are waiting for a caring person to help change their lives forever.
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Bears are condemned to horrid roadside zoos without adequate veterinary care. Gentle elephants are jabbed with sharp bullhooks. Orcas are forced to perform in tiny tanks and denied all that is natural and important to them. PETA is working hard to protect animals from the beatings, other abuse, and neglect common in the entertainment industry, and we need your support.
Please make your generous gift right now and help the many bears, orcas, primates, horses, and other animals who are waiting for caring people to change their lives forever.
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You can strengthen PETA's efforts in behalf of orcas and all animals by making a special donation right now.
Your gift today will help animals who are exploited, abused, and mistreated.
Together, we can make the world a better place for sensitive animals such as those held captive by SeaWorld.