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For more than a century, the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club has exploited a live groundhog and for roughly 50 years has held one captive so that it can drag him out on February 2—when he’d naturally be in hibernation—and pretend that he’s giving a weather forecast. For years, we’ve pointed out what the club already knows: Punxsutawney Phil is not a meteorologist and did not ask for this job!
Groundhogs are shy animals who tend to socialize with other groundhogs to choose a partner. They are skilled swimmers and climbers and create complex, multichambered burrows that even have separate “bathrooms.” They don’t want to live in Plexiglass containers in libraries where they can’t do anything that’s natural and important to them, and they don’t want to be used to predict the weather. The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club needs to relocate Phil and his family—the three other groundhogs they confine in the library—to a reputable sanctuary where they could enjoy a natural life.
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