Urge LVMH to Ban Fur From Its Brands Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Dior!

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For more than a decade, PETA has been pushing executives at LVMH—which owns Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Dior, and other fashion brands—to ban fur. Yet even though most luxury fashion houses now embrace faux fur to meet the demands of informed and compassionate consumers, LVMH has refused to cut ties with the cruel fur trade.

Peeling off an animal’s skin is entirely about greed, and LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault—with a net worth of nearly $200 billion—is one of the richest people in the world. His wealth is built on the exploitation and killing of countless animals.

photo of injured mink in cage

No matter what commitments or standards LVMH brands or other companies tout, there is no such thing as “ethical” or “humanely farmed” fur. Investigations by PETA entities and others have repeatedly exposed egregious abuse in the fur industry. Minks are semi-aquatic animals who make their homes in cozy dens that they line with grass and leaves. But on fur factory farms, minks are crammed into small wire cages that cut into their feet, with no access to grass for bedding or water to swim in. Many animals on fur farms slowly go insane and even self-mutilate from the stress of intensive confinement. An investigation into Italian fur farms revealed severely injured minks as well as dead minks left to rot inside cages. Survivors were killed by being gassed to death—which is never humane and may cause minks, who can hold their breath for extended periods of time, to suffer immensely.

Foxes are devoted parents, and mother foxes go to great lengths to protect their babies. When a fox cub in the U.K. was caught in a snare and remained there for two weeks before being found by rescuers, he survived the ordeal only because his brave mother took food to him every day. Foxes on fur farms are denied the opportunity to care for their young. On a fur farm in Norway, investigators found six fox cubs confined to a cage with their dead and rotting mother. PETA U.S.’ investigation into a fur farm in Wisconsin revealed that foxes were confined to filthy, wire-floored cages before they were crudely killed in a makeshift gas chamber.

Animals’ skin and fur belong to them. LVMH has no excuse for continuing to prop up the dying fur trade just for the sake of the few remaining designers who haven’t broken their fur habit.

photo of red fox

Hundreds of major designers and retailers—including Calvin Klein, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Michael Kors, Valentino, and Versace—have already dropped fur. It’s time for LVMH to do the same.

A few moments of your time can make a big difference for animals: Please urge LVMH to ban fur from Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Dior, and all its other brands today!


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