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Update: May 4, 2022
After hearing from PETA and receiving more than 250,000 messages from the public, Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport banned glue traps! Now, please urge other airports and companies to ban them.
Original post:
After being informed that glue traps cause rodents extreme, prolonged suffering, more than 110 U.S. airports committed to banning these vile devices. But other airports have been unresponsive or have flat out refused to ban them.

Victims of glue traps suffer immensely, succumbing to shock, dehydration, asphyxiation, or blood loss after ripping themselves apart in their frantic struggle to escape. Exhausted and terrified, they can take days to die—in fact, the products' labels instruct users just to toss trapped animals into the garbage, leaving them to die there. These traps are indiscriminate and can be a hazard to any animal, including birds, who often find their way into airports.
Glue traps are dangerous to humans as well. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that glue traps "should not be used," as they may increase humans' risk of contracting deadly diseases when terrified, trapped animals lose control of their bodily functions.
Rodents may be small, but they feel pain, fear, and stress, just as the cats and dogs who share our homes do. They need your help. Please urge airports to commit to banning glue traps today!