Michigan: Say NO to Horse Racing Cruelty in Plymouth Township

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Behind the romanticized façade of horse racing is a world of drug abuse, whipping, slaughter, and death.

Horses used for harness racing are whipped and administered an array of painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and performance-enhancing hormones to keep them racing when they’re injured. Illegal drugging, such as “milkshaking” with sodium bicarbonate, is common. All this leads to catastrophic injuries and death.

In 2020, 31 trainers and veterinarians—many involved in harness racing—were indicted for taking part in an illicit doping scheme uncovered by the FBI. The cases are being adjudicated now, and several people are already serving prison sentences.

When horses used in harness racing stop being profitable, they’re often sent to auction, where they’re purchased for a few hundred dollars by “kill buyers” who send them to Canada or Mexico for slaughter.

Northville Downs is continuing live racing through September 2023, but there’s a new proposal for a facility called “Northville Downs at Plymouth Township” that would include construction of a half-mile harness racetrack, a grandstand, and other developments.

In a world that increasingly refuses to accept abuse of any kind, horse racing cruelty has no place in Michigan. Horses and Michiganders deserve better. Join us in calling on the Plymouth Township Planning Commission to deny the proposal for a new horse racing facility.

Planning Commission

Plymouth Township

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