Urge Petco, PetSmart, and Chewy to Stop Supporting Beagle Abuse

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A groundbreaking PETA investigation blew the lid off neglect, intense confinement, suffering, and death at Envigo’s beagle-breeding facility, sparking a historical domino effect that paved the way for the closure of the dog prison. As a result, thousands of dogs were released from the facility and given the opportunity to have a loving home. Now, we’re working to save tens of thousands of other beagles who are being bred for use in cruel laboratory experiments. Marshall BioResources operates massive facilities that are among the world’s largest breeders of dogs, cats, ferrets, pigs, and other animals for sale to laboratories. The multinational conglomerate also owns Marshall Pet Products, which makes toys and other merchandise sold by Petco, PetSmart, and Chewy. Petco sells ferrets obtained from Marshall, too.

Marshall breeds beagles and other animals for sale to research labs around the world, where their gentle and trusting nature is exploited and they’re tormented. At Marshall, animals are confined to barren, windowless buildings. The company has been cited for housing dogs and ferrets inside filthy, decrepit wire cages in buildings teeming with mice and flies and for failing to provide animals with adequate veterinary care. A company representative callously stated, “We will breed anything a lab wants. If they want a dog with 3 legs or an abnormally large heart, we can do it.”

Most people see dogs as beloved family members, and many imagine that it must be illegal to experiment on and kill them. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and beagles have become the animal experimentation industry’s dog of choice because they’re of a convenient size and naturally docile. Even when they’re being abused, they don’t bite.

Please urge Petco, PetSmart, and Chewy to reconsider their relationship with Marshall. Companies that claim to care about the well-being of animals shouldn’t be peddling them or propping up the cruel and deadly animal experimentation industry.


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