Urge San Diego Padres to STOP Supporting Rodeo Abuse

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Even though rodeos are dangerous to bulls, horses, and humans, the San Diego Padres baseball team has decided to host these cruel events at Petco Park again. On the first day of the rodeo in 2024, a horse ran at full speed into a metal barricade and collapsed. This suffering was preventable. Please join PETA in urging the team’s leadership to commit to never hosting any rodeo.

Bulls are intelligent animals who have a keen sense of direction and are able to navigate their way across vast landscapes to find food and water sources. In rodeos, they’re zapped with electric hotshots so that they’ll charge out of a chute and “perform” for a paying audience. Calves’ necks are twisted as the animals are violently slammed to the ground, and horses are viciously spurred into bucking. During rodeos, animals have often sustained punctured lungs, deep internal organ bruising, hemorrhaging, ripped tendons, torn ligaments and muscles, snapped necks, and broken ribs, backs, or legs. Many have died.


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