Tell Members of Congress Monkey Prisons Are Not Acceptable in Georgia!

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PETA is enlisting your help to defeat a plan by officials in a tiny Georgia town and its surrounding county to cough up more than $58 million in incentives, hand over 200 acres of public land, and even design community college courses specifically tailored to one company’s needs—all in a bid to bring in the largest monkey prison in the U.S., capable of holding twice as many monkeys as there are city residents.

We need you to assert your considerable sway with the legislators in Washington, D.C., who work for you by sending them a clear message: NOT IN OUR STATE! NOT NOW, NOT EVER!

The Lowdown

Former executives of Charles River Laboratories, Envigo, and Covance recently formed a deceptively named company—Safer Human Medicine Inc.—with plans to build a colossal monkey-holding and -breeding facility in Bainbridge, Georgia, a town of fewer than 15,000 residents, located 40 miles north of Tallahassee, Florida.

The planned facility would be gigantic—the largest monkey-holding facility outside Asia. The largest U.S. facility as of now imprisons about 7,000 monkeys, while the proposed Bainbridge operation would hold 30,000. That’s two monkeys for every resident of the city, and that would bring trouble:

  • Enough wastewater to nearly fill an Olympic-size pool EVERY DAY
  • Continued depletion of endangered monkey populations worldwide
  • Increased risk of disease spread
  • Potential contamination of soil and the nearby Flint River
  • So much more

Please read all the sickening details that PETA has documented about this foul proposal.

What You Can Do

Please TAKE ACTION below by sending a letter to your legislators in the U.S. House and Senate telling them that this proposal shouldn’t be allowed in Bainbridge or ANYWHERE in Georgia.

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This action is limited to residents of Georgia.

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