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Glue traps pose a danger to any small animals who come across them. Yet discount retailer Ocean State Job Lot continues to sell these cruel and deadly devices.
Glue traps are boards covered in a sticky adhesive. Small animals—including mice, birds, and lizards—who walk across or land on them get stuck. They cry out in pain and try desperately to escape. Many animals tear off their own fur, skin, or feathers; break their bones; or even chew off their own limbs in an attempt to break free from the glue. They suffer in agony and die slowly, sometimes days later, from suffocation, blood loss, dehydration, or shock. Glue trap manufacturers direct consumers to throw the animals away with the device once they’ve been caught.

Glue traps also increase people’s exposure to disease. The animals stuck to these sticky boards continue to produce urine and feces, which contain dangerous pathogens—such as Hantavirus, leptospirosis, and salmonella. This is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges the public not to use them.
These cruel devices are not long-term solutions for controlling “unwanted houseguests.” When rodents are killed, survivors and newcomers breed faster, resulting in a population increase. The best way to keep a home free of mice and rats is to seal all entries and keep living spaces clean.

Mice and rats are intelligent, highly social beings who will go to great lengths to help others in distress. Male mice woo their mates with high-pitched love songs. Infant rats giggle when they’re tickled. Rats even exhibit altruism, putting themselves in harm’s way rather than allowing a friend to suffer.
England, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Norway—along with hundreds of companies, including Dollar Tree, Family Dollar, Dollar General, and Target—have banned glue traps.
Please contact the CEO of Ocean State Job Lot and demand that the company stop selling cruel glue traps.