Juvenile Alligators Hacked Apart for Leather Watch Straps—Act Now!

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Watch brands OMEGA and Harry Winston continue to sell alligator-skin watch straps, despite having been informed of the immense suffering these animals endure in the exotic-skins industry.

A PETA investigation into an exotic-skins operation that killed alligators for leather used to make watch straps revealed that workers shot young alligators in the head with a captive-bolt gun or crudely cut into conscious animals’ necks before attempting to scramble their brains with a metal rod. Some of them were still conscious, flailing and kicking, minutes after workers tried to kill them.

Alligators are social animals who like to hang out in groups. But at just a year old—a fraction of their natural life expectancy—some are barbarically killed for accessories.

Every time PETA entities investigate the exotic-skins industry, the facts are the same: Miserable animals are forced to live in sordid conditions before being killed in violent ways. According to reptile expert Clifford Warwick, many of the “slaughter” methods commonly used on reptiles merely incapacitate them—rather than killing them right away—often leaving them conscious throughout evisceration and skinning.

Regardless of its source, every alligator-skin watch strap represents suffering for these complex animals. Please join PETA in urging brands to drop alligator skin without delay!

Harry Winston (Swatch Group)
Omega Watches (Swatch Group)

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