Animals Are Desperate to Flee From Cedar Point Amusement Park—Help Them Now!

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Families expect thrills when they go to Cedar Point in Ohio, but they don’t expect to have to run for their lives—which is exactly what people did when two dangerous camels named Sampson and Artie escaped from the amusement park’s “petting zoo” and went galloping down the midway, threatening visitors. Just days later, Cedar Point made headlines again after a herd of goats got loose, became frightened, and ran through the park.

Forcing animals to endure noisy crowds under the terrifying roar of roller coasters deprives them of everything that’s natural and meaningful to their lives and is a severe stressor that interferes with their physical and mental health and well-being. Treating them as theme park attractions is a form of speciesism—a human-supremacist worldview.

Camels are dangerous animals who have killed humans after escaping from venues like this one. Petting zoos are also hotbeds of disease, and similar attractions have been responsible for E. coli and salmonella outbreaks. Hundreds of people have been sickened and several children have died from infections linked to petting zoos.

If Cedar Point and its animal exhibitor continue to exploit animals, it’s only a matter of time before their incompetence will lead to injuries—or worse. Please politely urge the theme park to end its animal displays and stick to thrill rides and roller coasters!

Cedar Fair Entertainment Company

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