Don’t Let the FDA Demand More Tests on Animals to Keep Sunscreens on the Market—Speak Out!

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With one click, you can support modern test methods that don’t use animals. Read on to find out how.

For decades, sunscreens have been used by millions of people around the world to prevent skin cancer. But now the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is pushing companies to conduct animal tests to keep their sunscreen products on the market.

© Doctors Against Animal Experiments

Despite the FDA’s repeated public claims that it supports modern test methods relevant to human health, the agency has refused to allow the use of non-animal testing approaches and evidence from decades of experience that governments around the world agree show that these products are safe to use. Performing more animal tests doesn’t make sense—there are better, more scientifically relevant strategies that can be used to assess these products.

As phrased in his letter asking the FDA to explain itself, Senator Cory Booker notes that “the agency has an obligation to the public to reduce animal use” when even the FDA admits that there is no evidence that sunscreens are unsafe.

Learn more by listening to PETA’s podcast about testing sunscreen products on animals.

Here’s What You Can Do

Many caring consumers have pledged not to use products tested on animals, and many companies have pledged not to test on animals. Don’t let the FDA force companies to abandon good science.

Please add your name to a letter that PETA scientists will share with the FDA, showing support for animal-free science that keeps lifesaving sunscreen products on the market.


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