Tell BMW, Feetures, Heali, NAPS, Saalt, and Visit Savannah to Reconsider Supporting Milk Marathon

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BMW, Feetures, Heali, NAPS, Saalt, and Visit Savannah have partnered with Every Woman’s Marathon, an event organized and funded by the dairy industry. This marathon attempts to convince women to buy cruel and unhealthy dairy under the guise of female empowerment. Please urge these companies to reconsider their support of this deceptive event immediately!

© SAFE for Animals

Cows are intelligent, socially complex animals who form friendships and even hold grudges. Just like humans, they produce milk only when pregnant or nursing. On dairy farms, cows are forcibly impregnated using a “rape rack” and a syringe. Then their calves are taken shortly after birth, causing extreme distress to both mother and baby. Mothers are often heard bellowing for days after the separation.

A cow’s value on a dairy farm is tied to her ability to reproduce and lactate. If she can’t, she’s deemed useless and killed. It’s hypocritical for the dairy industry to sponsor a marathon honoring women, as its business exploits female cows.

The dairy industry is desperate to get women back to drinking cow’s milk. By supporting the deceptive “Every Woman’s Marathon,” BMW, Feetures, Heali, NAPS, Saalt, and Visit Savannah are backing this cruel industry.

Please urge these companies to reconsider their promotion of this hypocritical, anti-female event.

Critz, Jr.
BMW (Critz BMW Dealership)
Visit Savannah

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