Act Now: Cruel Rodeo Set to Come to Pittsburgh for the First Time in 32 Years

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For 32 years, Pittsburgh law prohibited the use of cruel electric prods, flanks, bucking straps, and sharpened or fixed spurs—all of which burn, wound, and/or dig into animals’ skin and sensitive tissue—effectively keeping rodeos out of the city. Now, following a recent change to Pennsylvania law that overturned local bans on rodeos, PPG Paints Arena plans to host one of these abusive spectacles. Your help is needed in asking the venue to reconsider.

In rodeos, animals often sustain agonizing and even fatal injuries, including punctured lungs, internal organ bruising, ripped tendons, torn ligaments and muscles, snapped necks, and broken ribs, backs, or legs. Many have died.

Bulls and other animals used in rodeos are unique and interesting individuals who can feel love, joy, pain, and fear, just like the rest of us. They deserve the same respect and compassion as our beloved animal companions.

Please join PETA in urging PPG Paints Arena not to host rodeos.

PPG Paints Arena

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