Urge Coach to Stop Selling Leather

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Coach’s pathetic attempt at greenwashing its cruelly obtained leather products is nothing short of a despicable con. Slapping trendy buzzwords like “recycled,” “regenerative,” and “sustainable” on its bags does nothing to prevent the inherent cruelty or environmental destruction in the leather trade, which can never be truly sustainable.

Cows are social animals. They have the ability to recognize more than 100 other cows, and they form close friendships with members of their herd. Researchers report that cows grieve when their friends or family members die. But more than a billion gentle cows and other animals are killed annually for their skin worldwide. These animals are forced to endure all the horrors of factory farming—including castration, branding, dehorning, and tail docking, often without any painkillers. After a lifetime of intensive confinement, they’re typically transported to slaughterhouses, where their throats are slit and some are even skinned and dismembered while they’re still conscious, often in full view of other terrified animals.

In addition, leather production fuels climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. It also pollutes local waterways with feces, chemicals, and other waste. In the Amazon, deforestation from cattle ranching is responsible for the release of 340 million tons of carbon into the atmosphere each year.

According to the Higg Materials Sustainability Index, leather made from cow’s skin contributes more to global warming, water pollution, water depletion, and greenhouse gas emissions than any synthetic or plant-based vegan leather. With the widespread availability of animal-friendly materials—including vegan leathers made from apples, mushrooms, mangoes, tree bark, and so many other natural sources—it’s time for Coach to get on board by choosing style, compassion, and true conservation.

Please urge Coach to end its greenwashing and switch to vegan leather.


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