Act Now: Urge Your Senator to Ban Octopus Farming

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A lifesaving piece of bipartisan legislation, Senate Bill 4810, was recently introduced in Congress. The Opposing the Cultivation and Trade of Octopus Produced through Unethical Strategies (OCTOPUS) Act would ban commercial octopus farming in the U.S. and prohibit the import of live or dead farmed octopuses (or their meat or derivatives) from foreign countries.

A company in Spain is expected to begin construction soon on the world’s first intensive octopus farm, increasing the urgency of getting this bill passed. Please urge your senator to cosponsor this important legislation.

Octopuses can feel joy and excitement as well as pain and fear. These intelligent, sensitive individuals have been known to use seashells for protection, steal food from traps set by fishers, decorate their ocean homes, and even escape from aquarium tanks. Keeping them on farms would lead to unnatural aggression, cannibalism, injury, and death as they fight and struggle to escape.

At the end of their miserable lives, the octopuses would be slaughtered, experiencing horrific terror and pain as their brains are cut into or their heads are clubbed in.

Please urge your senator to cosponsor the powerful OCTOPUS Act!

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