Urge Wisconsin to Help Chickens Left to Die After Company Goes Under

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In September, PETA was contacted by multiple whistleblowers from Pure Prairie Poultry, a chicken factory-farming and slaughter company based in Minnesota. The whistleblowers said that chickens were left on trucks parked beside the company’s Iowa slaughterhouse for days before they were killed and alleged that the floundering company wasn’t delivering feed to its contract farms, leaving birds at imminent risk of starving.

PETA rushed complaints to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and state agencies, and the company admitted that it had left chickens inside cages on transport trucks at its slaughterhouse overnight.

The company has since gone bankrupt and closed its Iowa slaughterhouse, and 1 million chickens in sheds across Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin were left without adequate feed. PETA quickly asked state officials to ensure that these birds wouldn’t starve. Iowa officials obtained a court order to take custody of the birds in their state, as we had asked them to do, and Minnesota officials have told the media that they’re ensuring that birds there are fed and won’t be left to die slowly on farms.

However, Wisconsin officials have not responded to our repeated requests that they intervene to help the chickens in their state. Meanwhile, industry insiders report that tens of thousands of birds have been left in sheds to die—without food or water—while others are being hauled in the dark to a large property where they are being killed via an undisclosed method.

Join us below in urging the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection to take immediate action to ensure that these suffering birds are fed and provided with the quickest, least-cruel death possible via American Veterinary Medical Association–approved means.

Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Dr. Darlene
Wisconsin State

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