Rabbits Violently Killed for Fur—Tell Mud Bay to Stop Selling Fur Toys!

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The companion animal retail chain Mud Bay sells several cat toys made of real rabbit fur. There is no such thing as humane fur. Fur is always the product of tremendous animal abuse, no matter what country it originates from.

Because rabbits are exempt from protection under the USDA’s Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, there is no federal mandate that they must be stunned, meaning that they can be killed in any fashion, and while they’re still conscious. Smaller farming operations that exploit rabbits for their skins either break their necks or smash them on the head, often leaving rabbits screaming in pain. Larger operations may attempt to electrocute rabbits before slitting their throats or decapitating them.

Rabbits are sensitive, social animals with gentle natures. When they're happy and excited, they often leap into the air with a twist and flick their feet in a joyful display. In their natural habitat, rabbits live many years. They create clean, well-maintained burrows and spend their days foraging for fresh, leafy food while interacting with other members of their warren.

Every fur toy sold by Mud Bay represents the pain and fear of vulnerable rabbits who didn’t want to suffer and die. Please act now to protect rabbits exploited and killed for their skin by urging Mud Bay to stop selling fur!

Mud Bay

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