Urge Rural King to Stop Selling Cruel Glue Traps!

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Despite knowing that glue traps cause prolonged suffering, farm supply store Rural King continues to sell these cruel devices.

Glue traps are among the cruelest commercially available wildlife control products. Animals stuck on these traps panic and struggle to free themselves, causing the glue to tear off patches of their fur, feathers, or skin. In many cases, their noses, mouths, or beaks get stuck to the glue, causing them to slowly suffocate. Or they die from being crushed in the garbage, which is where the instructions on glue traps advise consumers to dispose of them.

Mice and rats – the most frequent victims of glue traps – are highly intelligent, sensitive, and loving beings. Male mice serenade their mates with high-pitched love songs. Baby rats giggle when they are tickled and adult rats will put themselves in harm’s way rather than allowing someone else to suffer.

Hundreds of companies, including Target, Rite Aid, Dollar Tree, and Walgreens, have already banned glue traps after hearing from PETA. Please contact Rural King now and demand that it stop selling cruel glue traps.

Rural King

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