Urge The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf to Stop Upcharging for Vegan Milk!

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Following a relentless PETA campaign, Starbucks—the largest coffee chain in the world—ended its upcharge for vegan milk! This victory displays the impact of speaking up for animals, and now we need your help again to convince The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf to follow suit.

Every vegan milk upcharge prioritizes profit over animals, the planet, and customers’ health.

Cow’s milk is a product of the dirty dairy industry, which forcibly manually impregnates cows, kidnaps their babies, and treats mother cows like machines instead of individuals who feel pain and fear just like us. The production of dairy products also contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water scarcity.

Charging more for non-dairy options discriminates against lactose-intolerant or otherwise dairy-free customers and punishes those choosing to make ethical and healthy choices.

It’s time that The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf follow Starbucks’ lead and rewards people, not penalizes them, for opting out of dairy. Please act now to urge The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf to end the upcharge for vegan milks.

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

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