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What's a roadside zoo? Most often, it's a facility that confines animals to cages, tanks, or other pathetic enclosures where they lack the adequate space, mental stimulation, clean environment, and nutrition to live naturally or comfortably.
It's not uncommon for these animals to be driven insane as result of the constant deprivation that they're subjected to.
Roadside zoos may claim to be educational places for kids—but reading signs that describe what animals would be doing in their natural habitats while gawking at them in a dilapidated pen is no way to learn about animals. These facilities are pretty much just prisons where animals are denied everything that's natural and important to them.
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Roadside zoos are prisons where animals are denied everything that's natural and important to them. Wild animals should be free, not confined to tanks, cages, or other cramped enclosures. I pledge never to go to any roadside zoo!
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