Tell the World: Animals Are #NotOurs!

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Newsflash: Animals don't exist for us. They're not here for our amusement or for us to force into captivity so we can gawk at them behind bars or through a tank. They exist for their own purposes—and just like us, they want to be free and make their own choices.

Yep—make their own choices. This may seem obvious, but animals held captive at SeaWorld, used by circuses like Garden Bros., or kept behind bars at roadside zoos are told when to eat, when to sleep, and what to do all the time. How crazy is that?!

Imagine being grounded for your entire life.

Animals used for human entertainment are often taken from their families, beaten, chained, forced to breed, and kept in such unnatural living conditions that they lash out or die from the stress of confinement.

Join PETA in telling the world that animals are #NotOurs and pledge to speak up #UntilEveryCageIsEmpty!

Animals Are #NotOurs

Animals used for human entertainment are often taken from their families, beaten, chained, forced to breed, and kept in such unnatural living conditions that they lash out or die from the stress of confinement. Animals are #NotOurs to use--and I'll raise my voice for animals because #CaptivityKills!

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