Tell Missouri: Dissection Kills!

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Every year, countless students stand up and speak out against dissection. Why? Here are two reasons:

Dissection is cruel.

Over 10 million animals are used every year for classroom dissection, many of whom were KILLED specifically for it.

Students deserve better.

There are numerous modern, humane alternatives that can save schools money and are effective teaching tools. No U.S. medical school uses animals, so why do middle and high schools?

Luckily for some students, many states around the country—like Texas, Michigan, California, and New York—offer students the right to opt out of dissection and be given a humane alternative. Missouri isn't one of those states—so currently, if a student in Missouri has an ethical reason to opt out (you know, because killing animals for a classroom project is UNETHICAL and wrong), he or she can be forced to participate or face a failing grade!

fetal pig dissection

This isn't OK, and Missouri education officials need to hear from you. Tell them that students deserve better and that animals deserve to live, and ask them to let students opt out of dissection and be given an alternative that isn't cruel and wasteful.

Vandeven Ph.D.
Commissioner of Education
Charlie W.
Missouri Board of Education

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