In-N-Out—It's Time to Get on Board With Vegan Options

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Despite years of requests by customers and urging from PETA, fast-food burger chain In-N-Out still stubbornly refuses to offer a vegan burger for customers who don't want to eat animals.

beautiful cow on farm

In-N-Out's current options for someone wanting to order vegan are far from ideal: some veggie toppings wrapped in lettuce (even the buns aren't vegan). With all the delicious vegan burger options available today, it's never been easier to include animal-free dishes on the menu. Burger chains from White Castle to Carl's Jr. and dozens of others have added vegan burgers to their menus—and it's time that In-N-Out did the same.

Take action today, and tell In-N-Out that you want a vegan burger to be added to its menu!

In n Out Burger
In-n-Out Burger

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