Monkey Business Ends Here: Demand That Apple Enact a Ban on Primates Now!

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On the heels of the eye-opening docuseries Chimp Crazy—which tells the stories of primates bred, abused, and exploited for the pet trade and entertainment industry and which starkly condemns the use of primates in Hollywood—PETA has called on Apple to enact a ban on primate use in its productions. Apple has ignored the growing public opposition to the exploitation of wild animals for entertainment, as seen in shows like Bad Monkey and Lady in the Lake, which featured scenes with a live monkey. We now need your help in urging the company to take action and pave the way for a more compassionate Hollywood by signing PETA’s Primate Protection Pledge.

Most primates used in film or TV are torn away from their mothers prematurely, denying them the care and nurturing that’s crucial for normal development and leaving them mentally broken. Physical and psychological abuse are common tactics used to force them to perform on cue, leading to neurotic behaviors and long-term trauma. These highly intelligent social animals’ complex needs go unmet on sets or at training compounds, which often results in devastating loneliness and depression.

In their natural habitats, capuchin monkeys, like the one seen in Bad Monkey, live in complex social groups, exploring, foraging, and raising their young in the canopies of tropical rainforests. In contrast, primates used for entertainment are kept in confinement and denied the opportunity to express these instinctual behaviors, leading to significant psychological harm. Once they’re no longer profitable to trainers, many end up in substandard facilities like roadside zoos, where they may languish without proper food or veterinary care.

Studies have also shown that using primates in the media fuels a dangerous demand for these animals as “pets.” By contacting Apple CEO Tim Cook, join PETA in urging the company to enact a ban on primates in all future productions to ensure that no monkeys ever suffer for its movies or TV shows again.


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