Tell GU Energy Labs, Mortal Hydration, and SPIbelt to Stop Supporting Milk Marathon

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GU Energy Labs, Mortal Hydration, and SPIbelt are sponsoring Every Woman’s Marathon—an event created by dirty dairy. Please ask these companies to withdraw their support.

A cow’s value on a dairy farm depends on her capacity to reproduce and lactate. If she can’t, her throat will be slashed. So why does the dairy industry sponsor a marathon honoring women when its entire business is built on the exploitation of female cows?

With all the healthy, delicious vegan milks on the market, the dairy industry is frantically trying to get women back as customers. So MilkPEP—the dairy industry’s propaganda arm—schemed up Every Woman’s Marathon to promote dairy under the guise of “female empowerment.”

However, dairy is a cruel, unhealthy product that may actually increase a woman’s chance of suffering from osteoporosis. By partnering with Every Woman’s Marathon, GU Energy Labs, Mortal Hydration, and SPIbelt are backing this industry.

Please urge these companies to reconsider their promotion of this hypocritical, anti-female event.

GU Energy Labs
Mortal Hydration

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